Posts Tagged ‘Ilha’

Angola : day 5 – Probably my least-interesting day so far

January 26, 2010

Talk about a sentence to suck the reader in, eh? Honestly, it was a work day not so different from an off-day on any American sports beat. There was a hotel lobby. There were journalists waiting for some time with players. There were PR guys calling the shots. Didn’t matter if it was Luanda, Angola or Kansas City. More…………………..

International Kitesurf Competition in Luanda

September 30, 2009

Don’t miss the Kitesurf event of the year  in Angola ! From  31  October to 2 November 2009, come and sail with us between  Mussulo bay and the Ilha.

Hotel Praia Mar opens in Luanda on the Ilha

September 20, 2009

A new 4 star hotel has opened in Luanda – check the Updates – Hotels page