About this site

I try to publish general information that will be of interest to travellers to Angola. I deliberately do not publish lots of photos or video because I know how frustrating it can be opening heavy webpages with a very slow Internet connection.

Please feel free to post comments, suggestions and updates. I’ll try to review and publish them quickly but as I have a day job that pays the mortgage, that has to take priority.

Please do not post overtly political comments as this is not a forum for political debate. Inflammatory, racist or abusive comments will go straight into the trash can.


The main contents of this website are taken from other sources and do not necessarily reflect the views of Mike Stead, the Bradt Guide, WordPress or the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.  Posts and comments from visitors are moderated but represent the views of the people submitting them.  Mike has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site. However, he cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience resulting from the use of information contained on this website.