Archive for the ‘Malanje’ Category

Nasce a primeira cria da palanca negra gigante, após redescoberta da espécie em Angola

June 19, 2011
A primeira cria das Palancas Negras isoladas no Santuário (zona vedada de 400 hectares), do Parque Nacional da Cangandala, Província de Malange, já nasceu, informou o Engenheiro Florestal e Biólogo Pedro Vaz Pinto, em entrevista exclusiva a RTP África, recentemente.
Pedro Vaz Pinto, disse que, a tão esperada cria nasceu em Junho de 2010, e há dados não muito certos, mas que indicam já o nascimento de uma segunda cria. Mais……

Parque Nacional da Cangandala um paraíso inexplorado

April 24, 2011

A reportagem deste jornal procurava nesta visita, que se revelou depois uma verdadeira odisseia, relatar a vida animal no Parque da Cangandala e, quiçá, trazer retratos fotográficos dos animais exclusivos da fauna angolana.

Dada por praticamente extinta, a Palanca Negra Gigante ressurgiu, na verdade, com o alcance da paz, através de um esforço do Governo, que disponibilizou fundos para a sua localização e circunscrevê-la num santuário onde pudesse ser acompanhado todo o seu processo de reprodução e manter viva a espécime única. O reencontro com o animal pode também considerar-se um ganho da paz.

Também era propósito ver até que ponto há o estímulo de visitas a este importante parque, já que abundam curiosos por avistar a grande mascote e orgulho de instituições como a selecção nacional sénior de futebol e a companhia aérea de bandeira, a TAAG. Leia mais…….

Giant Sable Antelope update

February 26, 2011

Read Pedro Vaz Pinto’s latest report from Cangandala on the Angola Field Group’s Giant Sable page

Changes to the Luanda/Malanje train timetable

February 2, 2011

CFL (Caminho de Ferro de Luanda) has announced changes to the timetable for passenger trains between Luanda and Malanje. The new timetable has trains leaving Viana station at 0500 on Mondays (Express service), Wednesdays (stopping service) and Fridays (Express service). Trains leave Malanje at 0730 for the return journey on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. No trains will run on Saturdays.

The Express service will have stops of 20 minutes in N’dalatando and 10 minute stops in Lucala, Cacuso and Lombe.

Tickets are available for sale in Muceques, Viana, N’dalatando and Malanje stations.  Tickets for the stopping service cost 1500 Kwanzas.  Express tickets are 2000 or 7000 for first class.

As the train service is so new, please check the latest times with CFL before planning your journey

Brilliant news: The Luanda/Malanje railway is now back in operation

January 13, 2011

The Luanda (Viana) / Ndalatando/ Malanje train route has reopened after an interval of over 18 years. The trains are brand-new Chinese built locos. The carriages are equipped with an entertainment system, restaurant and on-board police.

 There are two services – Comboio Expresso or Comboio Inter-Estações.

The Expresso service leaves Viana station at 0500 every Tuesday and Thursday and arrives in Malanje 423Kms away some 9 or 10 hours later. The only stop is at Ndalatando for 30 minutes. The service returns from Malanje to Viana every Wednesday and Saturday leaving at 07:30. Tickets cost 2000 Kwanzas and include 40kgs of hand baggage, breakfast and a copy of the Jornal de Angola. The Expresso can carry 329 passengers.

 The Comboio Inter-Estações runs a once a week service stopping at all stations for 10 minutes. Viana to Malanje is on Saturdays, leaving at 0500 and the return journey is on Sundays leaving at 07:30 Journey time to Malanje will be at least 12 hours and costs 1500 Kwanzas. The price includes 40 kgs of hand baggage and breakfast. This train has a capacity of 466 passengers.

All passengers for both services are required to arrive two hours before the departure time. Tickets are put on sale two days in advance and are available from Viana, Musseques, N’Dalatando and Malanje railway stations. ID must be shown in order to purchase tickets. Tickets must be bought in advance as they cannot be bought on the train. Tickets are valid for specified trains and are not refundable in the event of the passenger not travelling. Passengers found on the train without tickets will be asked to pay a fine and are liable to be put off at the next stop and handed into the police.

Hand baggage above 40kgs is charged at 20 Kwanzas per kilo. Accompanied baggage must be delivered one day before travelling and the price is 10 Kwanzas per kilo up to 500 kg.

 The information above has been gleaned from various press reports so travellers are advised to check all the details before making arrangements to travel by train.

Luanda/Malanje train line to begin regular service in January

December 28, 2010

A trip on the newly refurbished Luanda/Malanje railway which opens its passenger service on 13 January 2011 will cost 1000 Kwanzas or 2000 Kwanzas for the Expresso Service. The service can carry 400 passengers. The railway line had been closed for 18 years due to the armed conflict and a Chinese company has just completed renovating 424 km of track and building 20 new stations.


TAAG flies to Malanje again

December 28, 2010

TAAG Angolan airlines reports that it will begin flights to Malanje from 28  December. There will be 4 flights a week between Luanda and Malanje.  Thursdays and Sundays the route will be Luanda/Malange/Saurimo and Saurimo/Luanda. Wednesdays and Saturdays the route will be  Luanda/Saurimo/Malange/Luanda.

TAAG retoma voos para Malange

December 28, 2010


Luanda – A TAAG, linhas aéreas de Angola, informou hoje (terça-feira), em Luanda, que vai retomar os voos para a cidade de Malange na terça-feira, dia 28 de Dezembro, em voo especial que partirá de Luanda às 10H00.

 A companhia nacional de bandeira, refere num comunicado enviado à Angop, que a partir de cinco de Janeiro de 2011, as cidades de Luanda e Malange ficarão ligadas por quatro voos semanais. As quintas-feiras e aos domingos a rota será Luanda/Malange/Saurimo e Saurimo/Luanda. Já as quartas e aos sábados, com partida às 10 horas, o percurso será Luanda/Saurimo/Malange/Luanda.

Malange sobre carris

December 6, 2010

E, de repente, o tempo de espera se esfuma. O comboio chegou a Malange, o CFL tem agora o seu percurso completo.

Está aberta a via férrea que marcará o incremento nas idas e vindas entre Luanda e Malange. Gentes e mercadorias com alternativas aos autocarros, camiões e táxis. E que alternativa! Com o comboio serão toneladas de mercadorias a transitar para um e outro lado, serão centenas de pessoas de cada vez. Leia mais…..

Angolan minister confirms that the black sable antelope is breeding

August 29, 2010

Luanda – The Angolan Environment minister, Maria de Fátima Jardim, Friday in Luanda confirmed the birth of nine young black sable antelopes, in Luando Reserve, northern Malanje province.

The minister confirmed this while speaking at the opening ceremony of the first meeting of Supervising Committee for Conservation Project of Black Sable Antelope, during which she said that the referred species include a male and eight females.